Amaravati Monastery first had families camping on the grounds in 1984. Over time, these initially spontaneous gatherings grew into regular events attended by children and their parents, with the August Family Camp at their centre.
In 2025, we are planning to have a one-day family retreat in June, a summer camp in August, and a young persons’ retreat in September at Amaravati.
The Amaravati family events are deeply rooted in Buddhist teachings. A theme, like the four noble truths or the brahmaviharas, is used throughout the year to focus and deepen the practices of the family events attendees. There is a strong emphasis on play, space to be and living with each other. Together, we practice mindfulness and sharing, and we explore what it means to live together as a community using the five precepts as a foundation.
The Amaravati Family Events website provides information about family events held at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in the UK and Buddhist resources for family, teenagers and friends. The website is managed by the lay supporters who attend family events. It contains personal reflections about the family events and does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Amaravati Sangha.